Wednesday, July 4, 2007

For a Spa Manager - Personal Appearance, Demeanor and Poise is All Part of the Job Description

You know what they say, you never get a second chance at a first impression, and this is something the spa manager should always keep in mind. It doesn’t matter how exclusive the spa is, if the staff looks poorly or acts inappropriately, clients won’t return. This can all come down to how the spa manager looks and acts because it’s a direct reflection upon the spa itself.It should go without saying that the spa manager is a walking advertisement for the spa and this should be kept in mind at all times. The day spa industry is all about making people look and feel better, so the spa manager needs to always portray this image. This means dressing professionally, maintaining high levels of personal hygiene, and staying fit.

A spa manager should always have a professional, personable, and understanding demeanor. Spa managers should also carry themselves in a calm, self-assured, and dignified way.

The spa manager is the archetype for which the rest of the staff should model themselves after, so it’s important they understand what is expected of them when it comes to appearance, demeanor, and poise. This is all a part of the spa manager’s job.

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