Friday, July 27, 2007

Choosing to Include Acupressure Massage on your Spa Menu: Tips and Pitfalls

Acupressure MassageWhen it comes to adding new therapies to your spa menu, make sure they are going to provide your clients with relaxation, enjoyment, and results. Acupressure massage is a therapy that can fulfill these requirements, but it’s essential that you hire trained and qualified therapists.

Shiatsu is one of the most popular and aggressive acupressure massage methods around. This ancient Chinese massage applies pressure to certain parts of the body in order to cause a response from other parts of the body. Acupressure can provide relief for stress, relax the mind, increase circulation, remove toxins, promote healing, increase energy, relieve cramps, alleviate arthritis pain, reduce migraines, and even decrease labor pains.

Each pressure point can specifically trigger a mind or body response. Many of these pressure points are near the spine and a client can actually be injured if too much pressure is applied around these areas. Knowing how long to apply pressure to each point is also an important factor.

While adding these exotic massage techniques to your menu may be tempting, make sure you hire qualified and well-trained therapists who know how to perform acupressure properly before you have a lawsuit on your hands rather than satisfied customers.

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